Video content in affiliate marketing
Content plays a key role in affiliate marketing. The arbitrator has a few seconds to hook the client, to interest him in his product. In addition to text and images, advertising often uses video. Today we will tell you where to look and how to use video for traffic arbitrage.
Types of video content in traffic arbitration
Before looking for videos to advertise, you need to consider the types of video content. Each video is used in a specific context. Does the customer want to see an overview of the product? Maybe he is interested in looking at the experience of other buyers? What if he just wants to have fun and a funny entertaining video will interest him more than a sales presentation? A well-chosen video will not only help you find answers to these questions, but also complete the main task - lead the buyer to a purchase. Let's figure it out!
Promo video
This is a classic commercial. Its main goal is to show the benefits of the product in a few seconds, to interest the client, to close his needs. The promotional video lasts 3-40 seconds. During this time, the client should have the thought “Oh yes, friend! I definitely need to buy this!
You can check the effectiveness of a promotional video by the AIDA structure. This formula is used by marketers to create effective advertising. So, the promotional video should follow the structure:
1. Attention. The first 3 seconds are the most important. This is where the problem needs to be identified.
2. Interest. If there is a problem, a solution must be proposed. The problem should be solved by the product!
3. Desire. Ad block: product benefits, limited offer description, rave reviews from those who have already read the product.
4. Call to action. “Call”, “Go to the site”, “Leave a request”. The actions to be taken by the client must be clearly stated.
Where to use: Targeted and contextual advertising.
Animated videos
An animated video is a series of dynamic pictures. In fact, it is text and graphics that replace each other. The simplest description of a dynamic video is a slideshow. Admit it, has everyone ever made video cuts from photos? The most complex type of animation is animation. Animated videos are very expensive content. It is used by experienced arbitrage teams willing to spend tens of thousands of rubles on a single creative. Let's take a look at a simple animation.
Animated videos are decorated with music, effects, bright transitions. The main purpose of such a video is to give the client as much information as possible in a playful way. These videos have several advantages:
They can help you increase conversions. Some social networks are more loyal to animated advertising. For example, the Tik-Tok advertising account has a built-in editor for creating slide shows. Such videos are moderated faster and have a low cost per click.
You can create animated videos yourself. Canva has a tutorial panel, dozens of free effects, fonts, frames, transition tips.
This type of video is similar to the previous one. The main difference is that here you can and should use voice acting. The presentation for the commercial is made according to the formula:
1. Designate a topic.
2. Give useful information for free.
3. Gently lead to a purchase or other targeted action.
You can take a useful article as the basis of the presentation, make a summary of the most important information and break it into slides. The first 3 slides are best left as text. From the 4th, you can add pictures, video inserts, screenshots that demonstrate your product.
Where to use: Add as videos on YouTube and run contextual advertising on them for warm (interested) customers. If the budget allows, you can hire an actor or perform on your own live on a streaming platform.
User experience: reviews, cases
Video reviews close the main "pain" of the client - they show how the lives of other people have changed after the purchase. The main mistake affiliates make when working with reviews is that in their videos, customers often praise the product without talking about the benefits. If you want to run ads effectively, remember that you don’t need to mention “I have a great product!” several times, the client must come to this conclusion himself.
There are several scenarios that can be used in video reviews:
1. Compare services with each other. For example: I bought a subscription to platform A, but I did not understand anything. A couple of months later I found service B and as I understood it ...
2. Without lyrical digression, tell how the product solved your problem. For example, “I bought a course, learned in a week, now I can: A, B, C.
3. Show changes in the client's life. For example: I had no money, and then I registered on the X service and found a well-paid job.
The "my life has changed" scenario often uses the "Ebay" service. You can watch a few videos and get inspired.
Where to use: as a retargeting. That is, to create a database of customers who visited the site, responded to advertising, but, for some reason, did not make a purchase. Video reviews give a good "warming up".
Video review
The main task of a video review is to demonstrate the product, show how it looks and how to use it correctly. A high-quality video review gives the affiliate marketer several marketing solutions:
1. Demonstrates the appearance of the product. For example, if the offer is a wardrobe item, then the video review shows how the item looks on a person. In such reviews, it is important to use the brightest and most catchy product. The model should be stylish and look neat. A girl who looks at a model unconsciously associates herself with her. The chance of buying is noticeably increased.
2. Shows how to use the program or application. If the task of the affiliate is to lead the client to install the software, the client may refuse to install because of the thought “Oh no, this application looks too complicated.” Video review relieves this pain. It shows a clear interface. Watching such a video, the client unconsciously explores the application, which pushes him to download. Video reviews of this kind work great in the Gambling vertical.
3. Shows that the product is real, closing the psychological barrier. Often people abandon purchases because they cannot associate themselves with the product. Seeing how the model opens the bag, touches the soft fabric, probes the skin, slowly opens the locks, this association arises by itself.
Where to use: Video reviews are great in contextual advertising. They are used in verticals: tovarka, gambling, nutra.
Video instruction
This video format is similar to a "video review". Distinguishes its type of demonstration. If, when working with a review, the emphasis is on the appearance of the product, then the instruction reveals its characteristics. Video instruction - a small lesson. After reviewing it, the client should receive answers to the questions:
- What am I buying?
- How to use it?
- Will it be easy for me?
The lesson you are going to promote should be as useful as possible. If you're selling lipstick, you don't need to twist it in your hands and open the lid. Remove the instructions "how to do evening makeup." Let the potential client look and conclude “How beautiful! I will do the same, for starters, I will buy this lipstick!
Where to Find Affiliate Marketing Videos
We've looked at all types of marketing videos and we know which video to use for a particular ad. It's time to start looking for videos.
Request from affiliate program
Affiliate networks have their own marketing departments. They study demand, customer behavior, user preferences. Immediately after the analytics, marketers begin to develop advertising material: landing pages, photos, commercials. When choosing an offer, you can contact your personal manager and ask for a creative to work with. This method of searching for promotional videos saves time and budget. You do not bother with the search for material, but immediately start setting up advertising. A few hacks:
• Find out from the manager which creative is currently working best. Use bundles verified by conversion;
• Only work with fresh material. If the video has been running for several months, then your target audience has seen it, the chances of upselling are small, the bundle is squeezed out.
Find with AdHeart
One of the most important tools for traffic arbitrage is a Spy service. With the help of this service, you can select creatives, analyze the content that comes to customers right now, and also see what competitors are selling and how. And, of course, the SPY service will help you choose a video. There are 2 formats for working with such service:
• Enter the name of the product in the search box, see how competitors advertise it, find the most converting video and run it through the uniqueizer.
• Enter the name of the product in the search box, look at competitors, find a working link and order a similar video from the creator.
In 2022, AdHeart is considered the most effective SPY service. The site has collected 200,000,000 creatives. Statistics are updated every minute, and an intuitive menu will help beginners quickly figure it out. AdHeart offers the most accurate analytics on the affiliate market. If you learn how to work with it, you can generate profitable bundles without creative burnout.
Order from a designer
Freelance creators create unique videos for advertising. This type of content is considered the most effective - it's definitely fresh, unused bundles. In addition, if you carefully analyze competitors using the SPY service, find an unreleased offer (a manager in the affiliate network will help with this) and make the right TK, then your video will not have a chance not to convert! Let's talk about the right technical task:
• In the beginning, discuss the theme with the designer. Did it work with your vertical? Does he have interesting cases in his portfolio?
• Choose illustrations for your work or give a clear specification for each picture (Example: photo 1 - a girl holding 10 thousand in her hands, photo 2 - the sea coast in the background).
• Write the script yourself. In what order do the images appear? At what point do the effects appear? Which? Is there a soundtrack? What music is playing? Write it all down and send it to the designer.
• Make a time code for each activity.
• Be sure to send examples.
You can find a designer on specialized exchanges, or in TG communities dedicated to traffic arbitrage. Please note: there are a lot of scammers in telegrame. Beware of SCAM, cooperate with trusted performers.
Ad bundles that use videos perform 50% more effectively. It is important for the client to see the product from all angles, find out reviews, look at the instructions. Before you search for a suitable video, do not forget to go over the types of video content again.