Approval in traffic arbitrage
The success of an advertising campaign in traffic arbitrage is influenced by a lot of factors, most of them depend directly on the webmaster. It would seem that if your AC has achieved the desired statistics and the number of leads received is impressive, then the profit from the work done should be paid well, right? No matter how.
Immediately after the lead is worked out by the arbitrator, it gets to be processed by the customer, and here the concept of approving or confirming the target action comes into. Only after this action you get honestly earned money. Let's take a closer look at the term and talk about what affects the percentage of approval and how to influence it.
What determines your earnings on traffic arbitrage - approval
As you may have guessed, approval is a metric that reflects the percentage of confirmed leads relative to all other targeted actions. Earlier, it was not in vain that we said that after working out by the contractor, the client ends up for revision by the customer.
If the lead meets all the requirements of the advertiser, then they work with him further, and such a user is considered valid, as well as the lead, respectively. On the other hand, if it does not meet the requirements set for promotion (for example, there is a discrepancy between GEO, demographic parameters, a person who came from prohibited traffic sources, and so on), then it falls into the category of trash leads.
It is simply impossible to confirm them, and therefore, as the first piece of advice on keeping a good percentage of approval, we recommend that you carefully study the conditions for working with the offer. Be sure that they are prescribed for a reason and they will definitely be checked, and therefore non-compliance with the requirements will lead to the loss of not only profit, but also your own budget, which you will waste.
In addition to the above, your earnings on traffic arbitrage depend on other factors, some of which are directly related to the customer. More about this in the next block.
What does the approval depend on?
As they said, it is far from always the arbitrator who is to blame for the drain of the lead, and the first point we will analyze is one of such cases.
Call center work
According to the standard, at least 50% of the leads transferred to the customer must be successfully worked out with the help of the company's consultants, but there are exceptions. First, much depends on the speed of processing the received data. The webmaster works separately from the CC employees and it is not known exactly when work on your clients will begin - maybe right away, or maybe in an hour, or maybe in a day. This is how the approval percentage can drop from 50% to 30%.
Secondly, it is important to take into account the number of calls to the client. If with more expensive offers they can make 5 calls on the first day and 2 on the second day, then with cheaper advertising they are limited to 5 calls on the first day and once on the second, after which they note the inactivity of the client and move on.
At the same time, according to statistics, calling a user in the first 0-20 minutes has a stronger effect on the percentage of approval than if it happens after 30-40 minutes. That is why speed also matters
Selected scheme for the sale of goods
Depending on the type of offer, the call center works out additional sales options with the client. If this is a low-price category, then the price indicated on the site will be relevant only when buying from two units of the product - a typical trick, but who said that the client will not refuse to purchase because of it?
In the case of portioned products, there are even more jokes, because in order to get one package of the product at the price indicated on the site, you need to buy from two to 4 packages at the full price (which is 10 times more than the indicated one). The envelope of this scheme rarely reaches 25%, so we recommend that you carefully consider which offer you choose.
Well, the usual sales scheme is the best. Here, the product is sold at the price indicated in the landing page, only offering to buy something else along with it. KC employees work here on the principle of three “NO”. If the user refuses special stages three times, then he will simply be sold what he wants.
Working through objections
Again, call center employees and another reason to look for normal offers. As many of you probably know, each operator should have a database of scripts that help to choose the most suitable product, work out objections, and so on. However, this is an optional requirement for employment and generally not a fact that the base will be. In this case, the client will simply refuse to pay for a more expensive product and leave either with significantly less spending, or without any purchases at all.
A professional CC employee will be able to work through all the objections of the client, find his main pains, put pressure on them and convince them to buy not vitamins for 1000 rubles, but a whole set for 5000 rubles. The difference is noticeable, isn't it?
Specifics of the promotional offer
The role may be played by too narrowly focused specifics of the product, or its cost. For example, if the product itself is not cheap, then in order for the company not to fall into the red, it increases the average bill, which makes the possibility of purchasing extras at the time of the call lower, and this also affects the percentage of approval.
Also, tricks with the difference in the cost on the landing page and the real price are not uncommon. For example, a potential client wants to upgrade the components of a foreign-made car and sees a price of 3,000 rubles on the site, but the CC will tell him that this price refers to Russian-made cars, and because. the user has a foreign car, then he will have to pay 1.5 times more.
It would seem that if a person refuses the offer, then there is nothing to worry about - the target audience is wide. In fact, because Most of the audience uses foreign cars, then the meaning of such a client will be more significant, and therefore the refusal to purchase will have a stronger effect on the percentage of approval than it would be with a user of a domestic car.
Cost of goods
Before uploading a particular product, it is worth considering all offers from advertisers. It often happens that a large number of companies are selling the same thing at once. Moreover, sometimes the percentage of approval and net profit will be higher for the product that costs less, rather than more.
As an example, let's analyze the bay on a solar-powered PowerBank, the cost of which is 2,700 rubles at a rate of 700 rubles. Here we have an envelope in the amount of 0.0081, 56% approval with an average check of 3900 rubles. In total, there were about 1200 confirmed applications during the promotion.
Then the arbitrator changes the advertiser and uploads to the same product, only its cost is reduced by 700 rubles, the rate also becomes lower by 70 rubles, and the average check is already 2900 rubles. Along with the advertiser, the call center is also changing. As a result, the envelope increased by 37%, the approval by 17%, and the total number of confirmed offers was above 6200. A significant difference, isn't it?
Location of the target audience
Each country has its own standard of living, rules, interests, characteristics of the target audience - in other words, a lot also depends on GEO, and therefore we often advise you to try several options during tests in order to choose the most profitable among those available. One of the most effective in terms of the percentage of approval is Russia because the audience here is more than solvent and it is very large. In the countries of Central Asia, the situation is exactly the opposite, but traffic is also cheaper.
Lead arrival time
Even if the user decides to leave a request for the purchase of goods at 4 o'clock in the morning, this does not mean at all that he will be able to talk with a call center employee. That is why applications from 1:00 to 4:00 are approved the worst. The options from 7:00 to 10:00 in the morning are much better, since it is at this time that a person wakes up and has not yet had time to go to work, which means he is completely ready for communication.
However, if you want to pour at night, it is also possible, because since a significant number of affiliates stop advertising products, traffic becomes cheaper, competition drops, and you have every chance to grab more leads.
Features of the target audience
First of all, it concerns the solvency of the target audience. If you promote a product for people whose salary is not higher than 10,000 rubles, then the percentage of approval is unlikely to be high. Another thing is when the bay is led to the premium segment with a salary of 100,000 rubles.
Secondly, you need to pour on the audience interested in the offer. It is unlikely that the female target audience will be interested in components for the car, and for the male body care cream. A certain result will certainly be achieved, but general statistics say that this is not worth doing.
How to earn even more on traffic arbitrage?
As you can see, the approval is really influenced by a huge number of factors, and not every one of them can be influenced by the webmaster - how to make money on traffic arbitrage in this case?
It is of paramount importance to use only high-quality traffic, there is not much point in motivated traffic or bots. You will not only waste your money, but also receive fines from the affiliate system and the advertiser. We also repeat again - study the offer more carefully, because even before the start of cooperation, the average percentage of approval, the specifics of the product, and the characteristics of the target audience are known. It gets late already at the stage of launching an advertising campaign, until this moment there is always a choice.
In addition, we recommend deceiving users less, because, according to the examples above, this only interferes with the normal percentage of approval - no one wants to be forced to pay more money than originally planned. This applies to both the premium segment and the target audience with a lower level of earnings.
And of course, do not forget about the quality of promotion. If the bundle does not convert, then it needs to be changed, try different creatives, expand the target audience and try new GEOs. This is the only way to derive the golden formula for a high percentage of approval.