Important updates on Facebook 2022
Along with the beginning of 2022, a lot of sudden and mostly not very pleasant news came. A sharp change in the political situation, problems with further traffic arbitration, and other surprises.
Over time, all this calmed down, but some changes were a little more global. For example, some are concerned about one of the most popular traffic sources – Facebook. What to expect from FB when in 2022? We will talk about it below.
Boredom from Facebook Ads
Now the target audience has the opportunity not to view tons of ads every day. New algorithms will monitor all this advertising flow, and if artificial intelligence considers it excessive, it will begin to limit the promotion of the offer.
It is not yet known exactly how this “boring” is determined, but it will not be difficult to determine it. When restrictions are activated, the traffic flow to the same audience will noticeably decrease. It remains to either look for new people or wait until the situation with current customers is resolved.
Strengthening moderation
This moment is even larger and affects several updates on Facebook at once. Firstly, Facebook Live chat will now be moderated, and their creators will be able to delete comments and block unwanted users on their own. Actually, it is more for spammers.
The second point is that using licenses may now be required to work with financial offers. There will be three varieties in total, and in theory, anyone should be suitable for legal work in the financial industry. It is not yet known exactly how to obtain it, the requirements for launching an advertising campaign, and so on.
Additional problems with the auction
In many GEOs, in almost all directions, there are difficulties with increasing the cost of traffic. Planning a budget is becoming more and more difficult, and it is often necessary to think over a strategy for profitable promotion literally on the go. The only thing that pleases is that the CTR indicators are still on top. Another question is whether more money will have to be invested to achieve them.
Personalized video ads
Over time, video ads have become more and more popular on Facebook and their performance rates are very good. Compared to static images, this format gets 135% more organic reach, which is why already now 46% of marketers plan to continue to embed video in their advertising campaigns.
Therefore, in the coming years, this direction will only continue to develop in the social network and we can expect it to update soon. At the same time, we note that there is still room for growth. For example, the video format on Instagram also quickly gained popularity, but then the platform administration decided to introduce IGTV as well.
At first, the technology was not well accepted, but now the company reports show a good increase in the popularity of this feature, which is even greater than that of ordinary video posts.
Decrease in reach
This is not the first time that the news has been circulating on the network that Facebook is seriously losing its indicators of attracting a new audience to the site. Moreover, coverage with old users sags even more from year to year. So, according to Emplifi, over the past year, Facebook ad reach has decreased by 12.4%.
Of course, this does not make the traffic source irrelevant and it is still worth working with. However, you should immediately be prepared for the fact that doing this will be more difficult. Increasing the cost of clicks and decreasing reach can only be leveled by enhanced targeting settings. If you hit your customers as accurately as possible, you will be able to cut the share of the budget that goes into the void, and therefore increase the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.
Limits, micro spends, freezes, and bans
In fact, this is a continuation of the paragraph about moderation. For almost the entire time of the existence of the platform, the words from this heading prevented affiliates from working. Now the problem is still relevant and the rules only continue to tighten. In this regard, we recommend that you launch an advertising campaign as carefully as possible and not risk losing your budget once again.
It’s better to wait until the profile picks up a lightness, only then start pouring. Do not make the first launches on big budgets, gradually move the span back and try to promote it with the help of white offers. Only then, with the help of a cloaca, an anti-detect browser, and other tools for anonymization, is it worth starting full-fledged work.
Do not forget about the quality of the purchased consumables. Yes, much more money will be spent on normal payments or proxies, but it's worth it because with truly converting bundles everything quickly pays off.
As you can see, the situation with Facebook is rather ambiguous now. The audience seems to be growing, but the coverage is falling. It doesn't always need big budgets, but the stakes keep rising. Moderation is getting tougher, there are many new requirements and restrictions, and all this in a not very pleasant world situation.
In other words, to succeed here you need to act on a clear strategy and be ready to adapt to any circumstances. Otherwise, there is a chance to drain the budget or significantly cut your profits
Important updates on Facebook 2022