Financial offers moderation on FB
Facebook is one of the most popular traffic sources not only among social networks, but also in the whole advertising direction. It is here that users from a variety of GEOs are concentrated, and each with their own interests. And although there have been a lot of rumors around the site lately, so far FB has not lost its relevance and therefore you can safely pour traffic through it.
However, today we would like to touch on an important topic related to the flood of financial offers on Facebook. By itself, this vertical is dark, and therefore you will not be able to launch ads on it just like that. How, in this case, to work with a social network, and what tools need to be prepared for launch? Let's talk further!
General moments of moderation on Facebook
When it comes to Facebook moderation in general, working with advertising does not always turn into a hellish confrontation between moderators and affiliates. When working with white offers or at least close allowed PCs that do not violate the rules of the social network, there will most likely not be any problems. Moreover, in this case, artificial intelligence without the intervention of moderators will be able to allow traffic flooding.
However, over time, the rules become more and more rigid, and even the above scenario seems rosy. Such strange complications of the rules are justified by filtering content for users, but they forgot to ask whether it is necessary for the target audience itself.
So, returning to our topic, due to the gray category of financial offers, you can’t count on the automatic acceptance of AI ads - we will most likely fall into moderators. Their approval is influenced by many factors, even regarding the profile itself - creatives and text in banners, the domain for the landing, the specified payment information, the design of the landing page itself, and even just a link through which the user enters a third-party site.
Moreover, in addition to the ban on the vertical we need, there may be problems with the following nuances:
1. The presence of redirects. Since moderators get a little smarter over time, they guess that cunning affiliates do not use redirects easily, so they replace objectionable content with completely clean content. As you understand, this ban is easily bypassed by everyone.
2. Poorly crafted creatives. This moment is indicated more as a formality because it should be clear to the affiliate marketer that images of poor quality are unlikely to be able to attract at least one client.
3. Provocative subtext of advertising. Since Facebook is "against" inciting hatred towards any category of users and events, then advertising from the social network should be just as neutral. To some extent, this rule was introduced for the safety of the webmasters themselves, since if too many potential customers mark the content in the advertisement as offensive, then it will fall for repeated manual moderation. Based on the experience of colleagues, we note that in most cases the re-verification does not end well, and in the worst case, the account can be blocked altogether.
4. Do not mislead users. Of course, some moments can still be embellished, but you should not stoop to misleads or something like that. Also, do not use too harsh headlines in the spirit of "Smear 3 times a day and all wrinkles will disappear in 3 days."
5. Stop words. Firstly, when developing the text component of ads, you cannot use phrases related to violence or prohibited content. Secondly, the same applies to creatives who cannot depict scenes of sex, violence, accidents, and similar 18+ content.
As for the practical side of the issue, most often webmasters are banned for using one account from several IP addresses at once and from different GEOs, for the incorrect design of ads and creatives, in particular, for detecting prohibited advertising when using a cloaca or launching an advertising campaign from a non-trust account. Regarding the latter, there can be many reasons - low-quality proxies were purchased, bad payment data, the anti-detect is configured incorrectly, or artificial intelligence simply did not like some of your actions.
How to pass moderation in FB while working with financial offers
To begin with, it is important to earn the trust of the site on a new account. To get a high trust from AI, you should adhere to the following recommendations:
1. You should not create an advertising campaign on a newly created account. It will be good if he can just lie down for at least a few hours, or ideally, when buying trust accounts, it’s better to immediately buy several options with a lot of relief.
2. When manually farming profiles, don't forget to be active in them. Since we imitate ordinary users, the actions must correspond to them - add new friends, subscribe to communities, you can post something, and so on.
3. Complete your profile as much as possible. In addition to the basic information, link a phone number, email address to your account and, if possible, add two-factor authorization to it. For fidelity, you can register using this account on third-party sites.
4. The language of the advertising campaign must match the GEO with which the webmaster works.
5. Prepare all means in advance to anonymize the real person. In no case should the reallocation of the device become known to the social network, because? otherwise, there will be a discrepancy between the specified and actual GEO, which will lead to a blocking of the profile or a strong drop in trust.
6. It is better to check payment data through PayPal, while it is worth launching advertising from the payment of the country in which the webmaster is “located”.
7. The increase in the volume of uploaded traffic should be systematic. If you increase the initial budget immediately by 5 or 10 times, then moderator bots will be shocked by such impudence and will immediately block the promotion. By the way, the same applies to clickbait headlines, we have already written about them earlier.
8. If you switched from a blocked account to a new one, then you should not use the material that has already been worked out. The payment, creatives, numbers, and other consumables have already been fixed by bots earlier, and if this happens again on a new trust account, then it will not lead to anything good.
Thus, to successfully create an account, we have two ways:
1. We create a BM, where we create a trust for it with the help of white offers up to the required spend or pour an advertising campaign with zero or even negative CTR. At the same time, be prepared for the fact that the required spending in each GEO is different, and if in conditional India it is $50, then in more developed countries it can be several hundred greenbacks.
2. We buy accounts with an already adjusted spend. At best, you can find accounts with a limit of $1000-1500, but this is not common either. It is possible to find good sellers with large limits, but it is very difficult since every arbitrator keeps this information secret.
Next, we need to pick up an anti-detect browser. Among the most popular options, we note MLA, Indigo Browser, and Octo. These options combine well the cost with the quality of the services provided, have wide functionality, and positive feedback from other webmasters.
The next stage is a purchase to a proxy. If you wish, you can work with both mobile and residential proxies, but mobile ones are the most preferred option. Among these, we can recommend SmartProxy, GeoSurf, ProxyEmpire.
Along with this, it doesn’t hurt to choose a good cesspool that can identify bots and moderators, and then hide objectionable content with financial offers from their eyes. AdSpect, Zeustrack, NoIpFraud will be able to cope with this task.
Then it is necessary to prepare a site allowed by moderation to replace the real landing page. This can be done using any of the above three options. For example, let's analyze the principle of operation of Zeustrack:
1. We find a suitable donor site with the GEO and subject we need.
2. We connect about 5-6 domains to one server.
3. It then connects via IP to Digitalocean and Amazon.
4. Whitepage is automatically created.
Another important point is payments. In fact, any option that meets the following criteria is suitable for us:
1. It is possible to quickly issue cards.
2. You can order many cards at once, which is especially important when working in a large team.
3. A wide range of sources for replenishing the balance of cards.
4. Availability of API.
Of the most suitable payment systems for these conditions, we can recommend Cross cards, Soldo, E-Cards, AdsCard.
Facebook is still quite a lucrative source for flooding financial offers. Above, we presented the main nuances of working with a social network, outlined important limitations when launching advertising campaigns, and sorted out the consumables that you will definitely need to drive traffic.