ТOP 10 Web-development Books
Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: With jQuery, CSS & HTML5 — Robin Nixon
It is already the 5th edition of an international bestseller. This book will help you master dynamic web programming using the most modern technologies. In addition to the necessary theory, it is full of practical examples and advice. To make the material 100% assimilated, the author shows in detail how to create a full-fledged website that works on the principle of a social network.
HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites — Jon Duckett
This popular tutorial is the easiest way to learn HTML and CSS in a short amount of time. Whether you're developing a new website or completely redesigning an outdated site, this book is going to be your best tool for creating original web content with great usability. A modern visual method of presenting information with many practical examples and code demonstration snippets will help you develop a professional website with a convenient user interface.
JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development — Jon Duckett
This book by John Duckett will be helpful for web designers and programmers, content managers and internet marketers, aspiring specialists, and experienced employees who intend to raise their professional level. You will learn how to make websites more interactive and user-friendly. The author illustrates the use of JavaScript scripts and the jQuery library on real sites. There is very little theory in the book. It is a practical reference: a new example script or code is located on a new page.
CSS: The Missing Manual — David Sawyer McFarland
CSS3 technology allows you to create professional-looking websites, but the intricacies of this language can be daunting even for experienced web developers. The completely revised fourth edition of this book will help you take your HTML and CSS skills to the next level. The book contains many valuable tips, tricks, and instructions written in the style of a reference guide. Both beginners and seasoned web designers will quickly learn how to create beautiful web pages that load lightning fast on both PC and mobile devices.
Building a Web Site For Dummies — David A. Crowder
If you have never been involved in web design, but would like to create your resource on the Internet, then this tutorial will help you learn how to develop completely professional sites.
Find practical tips and proven HTML snippets, learn how to add images, video and audio clips, pretty buttons, and more to your web pages.
You can apply basic HTML elements and various types of editors.
Structure your presentation and make it easier to read with tables and frames using modern technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
Make your site attractive. Learn to place nice buttons on your website, add video and audio clips.
You will learn how to create an online store, include a site in the indexes of search engines, and exchange links with other sites.
Head First HTML and CSS — Elisabeth Robson, Eric Freeman
Want to learn HTML so you can create the web pages you've always dreamed of? So that you can communicate more effectively with friends, family, and picky clients? Then this book is for you. After reading it, you will learn all the secrets of creating web pages. You will learn how professionals work to get visually appealing designs and how to make the most of HTML, CSS, and XHTML to create web pages that no user will pass by.
PHP 7 in easy steps — Mike McGrath
The book is dedicated to the most popular programming language today — PHP7. It helps master the basics of PHP7 even to complete newbies. Thanks to the traditionally accessible presentation inherent in all the books in the Programming for Beginners series. It is full of illustrations and examples, as well as many helpful tips — this book is the best guide for beginner programmers.
Learning JavaScript — Ethan Brown
This tutorial is for more experienced programmers. With the release of the latest JavaScript specification, ECMAScript 6.0 (ES6), learning to create high-quality applications in this language is easier than ever before. This book introduces the ES6 specification along with some of its associated tools and techniques in a very practical way.
Learning React — Alex Banks, Eve Porcello
Want to learn how to write effective user interfaces with React? Then you have found the book you are looking for. The authors will show you how to create user interfaces using this compact library and write sites that can process huge amounts of data without reloading pages.
Complete Manual of Typography — James Felici
The book is devoted to typography — the art of typing and layout design, which has artistic and technical aspects. The considered aesthetic principles of choosing and using fonts for print and display are supported by a lot of information, rules, and subtleties of professional computer layout that meets modern standards. The second edition covers general-purpose techniques for working in the latest versions of major typesetting programs for Mac OS and Windows, Unicode and OpenType fonts, extended character sets, character lookup techniques, and the latest information on web typography (including CSS3).