TOP 10 Time Management Books
The Bullet Journal Method — Ryder Carroll
This book will teach you how to keep your daily planner as productive as possible. The author will explain how to make an understandable and memorable structure out of handwritten notes. It will relieve the head from unnecessary thoughts. These notes will help correctly distribute energy, time, and attention throughout the day.
Not Doing: The Art of Effortless Action — Steven D'Souza, Diana Renner
The main idea of the book is that we all need to learn to give ourselves breaks and relax. This book is for those who are overloaded with tasks; who are constantly on deadline, trying to keep up with everything. The authors explain that "not doing" is not synonymous with "doing nothing." A simple breath and a little rest can significantly increase a person's productivity and efficiency. Often it makes them happy and harmonious.
In Praise of Slow — Carl Honore
In recent years and especially in recent months, the Slow Life movement has been gaining more followers. It is not surprising, though. During the quarantine, many looked at their lives from a completely different angle. Honoré explains in his book why people who have learned to live a "slow life" have greatly improved the quality of their lives. But the main idea is that "slow" does not mean "not working." To be outwardly fast, you need to be slow inside — calm, reasonable, and enjoy every minute of your life.
No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs — Dan S. Kennedy
Time is a limited resource for every person, and one must learn to value it and use it as efficiently as possible. The author addresses this book to entrepreneurs. However, his advice will be helpful to everyone. How to organize your business, make decisions, finish what you started and be sure to leave time for rest.
When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing — Daniel H. Pink
Most people are neither early risers nor are owls. Siesta improves performance, and school schedules need to be revised. In his bestselling book, Daniel Pink explains the effects of daylight on the human body and teaches you how to tackle new things properly. He helps you determine the time of day at which you are most productive.
The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right — Atul Gawande
A surgeon and professor at Harvard University glorify lists, instructions, and prescriptions. This book is beneficial for all: from pilots and doctors to architects planning skyscrapers to restaurateurs shopping for groceries. Gawande explains how professionals use checklists and argues that failure is more often associated with our sluggishness than ignorance.
Scrum — Jeff Sutherland
Scrum is a unique technique developed by the American programmer Jeff Sutherland. It has become the main principle of work in most of the tech companies in the world. Thanks to the book, everyone will learn to do projects several times faster and more efficiently; while spending fewer resources. A must-read for IT professionals.
The Pomodoro Technique — Francesco Cirillo
Francesco Cirillo is the very person who came up with the world-famous method of productivity — "The Pomodoro technique." In his book, he explains, in detail, how to focus on complex tasks, fight procrastination, organize your activities and meet deadlines without stress and overwork.
Guide to Being More Productive — Harvard Business Review
Harvard Business Review's collection of articles covers all facets of productivity: not just planning the day, but also the ability to focus, finding motivation, and the art of saying "no" to unnecessary work. A total of 34 articles in six sections, where in addition to the chapters "Inventory"; "Planning the day"; "Focus"; "Motivation"; and "Travel" there is an equally important one — "Rest".
Making Work Visible — Dominica DeGrandis
One of the world's leading Kanban experts, Dominica Degrandis, believes that productivity can be increased through the use of visualization techniques. In her book, she talks about how to identify the main time wasters, optimize the workflow and influence the decision of the bosses. If you work in the IT field, this is a must.