Work with installs
Work with installs is not the most common area of traffic arbitrage, which at the same time is the simplest and very popular among newcomers to the traffic use.
If you are reading this page right now, then you are probably interested in the direction and perhaps you would like to start working with it. In this case, let's discuss what installs are, what are their advantages and how to work with a vertical to increase the profit.
Traffic arbitrage earnings with installs - what is it?
As you can already understand, earnings on traffic arbitration here consist in the fact that the user installs the customer's application, and the arbitrator receives profit from this.
Moreover, the potential client does not need to buy anything, invest money or spend it in any way on the application. It is enough just to install it and this makes the vertical one of the easiest in traffic arbitrage. Only when it comes to money, then a person is drawn into thought, looking for benefits from the purchase, and so on.
With installs, everything is easier, because if you prepare a good creative and can present some game or useful utility from the right side, then it will have a huge number of downloads, and your advertising campaign will have a good envelope and a big profit.
As for the latter, the rates depend on the specific offers and conditions of the affiliate program. GEO influences it the most, because while in Asia the maximum installation cost rarely exceeds $1, in America the rate can easily be higher than $10.
At the same time, a pleasant fact is the absence of a long wait for approval of leads. Again, no product is bought here, no request for feedback or order of services is left - you just need to confirm the fact of downloading the add-on and if the user does not delete it immediately after installation, then there will be no problems with confirming the target action.
By the way, this is not only one advantage of the vertical – more details in the next block.
Benefits of installs
We have already named the first and most important plus and this is the absence of a huge number of actions that a person must do to download. This not only reduces the waiting time for approving leads, but also generally simplifies the filling process and increases the likelihood of a successful advertising campaign.
When buying goods or ordering services, the client goes through almost dozens of stages, and sometimes you also have to communicate with managers from the call center. Here, the likelihood that the call center will work poorly or that the user suddenly does not like something in the offer is minimal.
Another advantage is versatility. Installs work well on social networks, on forums, and even on streaming services. If your application is a gaming application, then the latter will be an excellent option for promotion to a multi-million audience. If this is the porn industry, then look for specialized forums. If this is some useful utility or application for dating, then social networks or, again, forums are at your disposal.
How to start arbitrating traffic through installs?
Before developing the first advertising campaign, it is important to take into account several factors, without which success from installs will no longer be as successful as we would like:
1. Choose offers by GEO. This is exactly the vertical where promotional offers do not have to be sorted solely by cost. Even if the US pays $10 for the offer, you can be sure that the number of users who download the app will be small. Yes, you are 100% profitable, but if you upload traffic, for example, to Indonesia and get millions of downloads, even if they cost 50 cents, then the profit will be much larger.
2. Exclude offers with restrictions on the number of installs. For example, if an advertiser indicates that they will not accept more than 100 installs in one day, then it is unlikely that you will be able to adjust the advertising campaign to these requirements and, as a result, 20% of your profit will be wasted.
We will also supplement the second point - before starting cooperation, read the terms of the contract. Often, customers require the use of a strictly limited list of traffic sources, and if you do not comply with these conditions, then you simply will not receive money for leads. Additional funds for promotion may also be indicated there. For example, some companies give out free promotional materials, which saves you a lot of time and money.
Traffic arbitrage through Facebook - how to prepare PC for applications?
Since it makes no sense to analyze the flow of traffic through all sources, we decided to choose one example, which is the most popular among affiliates - Facebook. It is here that it is easiest to drive traffic and we will start by selecting an account for advertising.
If you wish, you can use your own personal account if you have never drived traffic through it and the life account more than 6 months. Otherwise, he will “die” the next day, so in this situation, we buy an account for farming. You can read about where you can buy it and all other components for a successful launch in other sections of our website. Here we will briefly go over the arsenal and go directly to the PC.
Further, it does not hurt to purchase an antidetected browser (at least the simplest one for 30-100 dollars). Then the last 2 stages have been prepared, then you need to link a payment order to your account. It can be any map, but it is important that it matches your GEO (otherwise it may have a bad effect on the trust).
The next step is to link the app to Facebook Ads via the ad account ID. To get it, go to the facebook.com/adsmanager page and after loading it, the link will look something like this: https://www.facebook.com/adsmanager/?act=584835347853895389&nav_source=no_referrer, where the numbers after represent the ID. Next, we pass it to the manager and he assigns the application to the ID. Now you can proceed to the promotion settings.
Here, as a goal, we select the installation of the add-on and in the field of the same name, you must select the offer that we are going to advertise. The next step is targeting settings. There is also nothing complicated here, you need to fill out:
1. GEO.
2. Demographic parameters of users (age, gender).
3. Interests. Work on this point as well as possible, as we must be sure that the field of interests of the target audience matches the application.
4. Operating system and its version.
5. Sites for promotion. You will see a lot of options on the list, but let’s say right away that Facebook traffic arbitrage does not involve mixing multiple sources. It’s better to create two, three, and as many advertising campaigns as you like, but let one be purely Facebook Feed, the other Instagram, and the third partner sites. You can definitely understand which option brings the better profit.
When we figured out the target, we can move on to the most important part of the promotion, namely the preparation of the creative. You can look for inspiration for them on the stocks and the advertising platforms themselves through various SPY services. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to completely copy the creative. FB blocks such campaigns, and it is unlikely that the copied creative will be able to bring a profit. It is already used material.
That is why we watch someone else, but develop our own - remember this. Creativity is easy to create in free video editors, Photoshop, or if you want something very cool, then order the services of designers (you will have to pay around $10-20 in the case of video and up to $10 for banners).
We also recommend you to take into account that the quality of the blanks directly affects your costs, because if they do not reach the audience, the algorithms will overcharge for impressions. If the reaction is just the opposite, then the cost, on the contrary, will decrease - sometimes the minimum rate differs dozens of times from the maximum spread, so the nuance is really important.
The rest of the setup steps are basic and as soon as you are done with them, you can submit the campaign for moderation. In the best case, it will be accepted the first time, and in a few hours you will see the first results of your efforts.
How to increase the profit?
Even if you have already successfully launched an advertising campaign, there is still point to grow, and for this we will discuss the last important ,,things of working with installs and, in general, with any advertising campaign.
First, do not forget about promotion optimization. You can’t just run it and go about your business for a week, and then come back and pick up mountains of gold. You need to test different bundles, change outdated creos to new ones, take new GEOs, possibly other traffic sources, and analyze statistics in every possible way to understand what the campaign still lacks for a higher conversion.
Secondly, speaking about analysis again, use trackers in your advertising campaign. They allow you to understand where the user came from, how long the path from the advertising platform to the install was, which creatives brought the most profit, and so on.
And finally, let us remind you that you can check the quality of the link even before the start of a full-fledged promotion - make test bays on a small budget and, by means of small losses, find very cool options.
As you can see, making money on installs is really one of the easiest verticals in traffic arbitrage. There is no need to think over sales funnels, warm up the audience and spend additional funds, effort and time on promotion.
At the same time, it is important to correctly choose a GEO, work out a good creative and, in general, all the components of an advertising campaign. In our article, we gave basic tips for a good start and dismantled the setup of the PC through Facebook. In other words, a start has been made and further success depends only on your efforts and ideas. Good luck!