Teaser ad networks
Traffic arbitrage includes a huge number of directions for flooding traffic, and each of them is to some extent capable of bringing a substantial increase in profits to the webmaster. At the same time, any vertical does not just endow the affiliate with money, but also sets its own requirements for work. It requires large budgets to start, the use of special software, a unique approach to the bay, constant audience analysis and optimization of the advertising campaign.
One of the simplest among them is the category of Teaser Network, where it is much easier to work and you can take clients by quantity, not quality. What has become interesting? Now we will tell you everything.
Traffic arbitration through teaser networks. What is it?
Teasers themselves are small ads that can be shown on absolutely any page on the Internet and often include some kind of clickbait headlines with appropriate creatives. All of us, sooner or later, met with the opportunity to find out who really became Putin's double and how many parasites will come out the next morning after taking the "same" remedy.
Teaser networks, on the other hand, are an intermediary between the advertiser and the arbitrator, which allows you to help the two parties to comply with the agreements between each other and conduct mutually beneficial cooperation. There are no special differences from the usual traffic arbitrage, that is, the webmaster is required to attract clients to banners in the same way, earning from clicks, views, or for performing other more expensive targeted actions. The more difficult it is to generate a lead, the higher the payment for the offer.
We didn’t say in vain that traffic arbitrage through teaser networks is not the most difficult job, because, although some ads seem to be complete nonsense, many people even click on them out of idle interest and bring you money. At the same time, the niche hides a couple of pitfalls that you should familiarize yourself with even before the launch of an advertising campaign. More on this in the next section.
Earnings on traffic arbitrage through teaser networks. Advantages and disadvantages
I would like to start with the positive aspects of working with teaser networks, so let's talk about the pluses of the direction:
1. Opportunities for lead generation are very wide. By itself, the process of obtaining leads is not particularly difficult, because just adding clickbait headlines is enough and this will already be enough for a good envelope. Do you want to make ads with meaning? No problem - this way you can also achieve a decent percentage of ROI.
2. Lack of moderation and blocking. Teaser networks are not some super-large companies, from which the audience can start to leave due to gray and black advertising - this is not FB or Instagram, so there is no moderation here. You still have to comply with the minimum requirements, but they are so loyal that there will be no problems with passing the check. Moreover, it is only one and there are no repeated views of your RK.
3. No restrictions on verticals. Pour on anything - nutra, gambling, betting, shopping and dozens of other options, the main thing is to bring profit to yourself and the advertiser.
4. Lack of intense competition. Over time, the popularity of teasers is growing, but there are still a lot of tidbits where you can safely come and get a lot of valid traffic.
As for the less pleasant moments, before the bay it is worth considering the following nuances of making money on traffic arbitration through Teaser Network:
1. Restriction on target. Because we are talking about working through teaser networks, then this is not a full-fledged advertising platform, where there are hundreds of settings regarding the target audience and, in general, the promotion of an advertising campaign. The maximum that you can do is to decide on the GEO and the subject of the site on which the traffic will be distributed.
2. Problems with target audience segmentation. This problem stems from the past and it is logical that since a normal target cannot be configured, it is not a fact that the client who clicked on the banner will become one.
3. It is mandatory to use SPY services. The functionality of teaser networks is very limited and there is no built-in tracker and similar software for analyzing the ad as it is promoted, so you will have to buy these features from third-party services.
Well, if you have weighed all the pros and cons of the direction and are ready to continue studying it further, then it's time to talk in more detail about the basics of traffic flow through teasers.
Basics of working with Teaser Network
This block will be very voluminous since we consider teaser networks in as much detail as possible and from all sides, and therefore we will divide it into several small groups.
General principles for creating ads
First, let's discuss more general points that relate in general to the design of ads. First of all, take into account the small size of the banners, respectively, they cannot have a lot of text, otherwise the user will not be able to read it or simply will not want to do it.
The second point - be sure to encourage a potential client to take advantage of the offer. It is not necessary to prescribe simply narrative sentences - offer, contact a person, invite. At the same time, try to focus his attention only on one product, you should not promote a pack of offers or several products at once, even if they are from the same company.
If goods are not promoted, but services, then adhere to the same principles - if the company performs many services at once, then combine them into one thing.
The third important nuance is to maximize the customer's benefit from the purchase of goods. It doesn’t have to come from the product itself, but don’t forget to write promotions from the advertiser or use clickbait headlines like “iPhone XXX at a low price with a 40% discount - only 3 pieces left!”. Even if at first the client does not believe in it, then at least he will go to the site and want to learn more about the promotional offer.
The fourth nuance is to take into account the pains of the target audience. Yes, we cannot describe our client's avatar in detail, but we can do it in a more global sense. For example, if it is clear that the flood of traffic is aimed at a female audience, then the topics related to the inside, dating, and others are best suited, for the male target audience we select the appropriate topics.
And finally, let us remind you - do not forget that a unique approach is important in teasers, because. It's easy to create these ads, even dozens, but the audience has already seen enough of them before you came with your ads, and therefore trying to copy ideas from others is not the best option. At the same time, avoid overly aggressive marketing as threats, slang, obscene language, etc. will only alienate the client.
While developing advertising creatives
Now let's talk in more detail about the design of the visual part of the ads. The most important thing is to focus on quality, not size. The image may be small, but have a high resolution and attract customers due to the quality of visual elaboration. Well-designed dynamic creatives will do just as well, because animation always attracts more attention.
Also focus on what emotions you want to convey to the client. Whether it's fear, anger, laughter, or a desire for something - work through this emotion and this way you will make the user think about the ad they saw. At the same time, we remind you once again that stealing other people's ideas is not the best idea, but you can take them as a basis for your advertising campaign and create even more converting creatives.
In addition to what has already been said, do not forget that creo and text should complement each other, because. even one of these elements can attract an audience to a landing page. If two converting components enter into synergy at once, then it will be literally a marketing bomb.
Ways to work with teasers
Depending on the chosen vertical, approaches to traffic flooding also differ. Let's take a look at the most popular ones:
1. Financial vertical. Because almost always we are talking about easy and quick money, then we use young people and their success stories, bundles of money and expensive cars.
2. Nutra. In the case of cosmetics advertising, we show the result, i.e. girls with beautiful make-up or their photos before/ after using the product. When advertising goods for sports, we respectively demonstrate a healthy pumped-up body or images of healthy food. If we are talking about losing weight, then again, you can use the “before/ after” format, or just photos of fat or thin girls.
3. Gambling/ betting. Success stories with young guys or girls will be great, or just a demonstration of the site’s capabilities, showing various promotions or bonuses at the start from the advertiser.
This is the most important thing you need to know before launching your first ad campaign on teaser networks. Before starting full-fledged work, we have only one section left to discuss, where we will demonstrate what profit this direction can bring.
Detailed analysis of ready-made cases
As a first example, we present the Hondrolock offer - a typical cream that will help to cope with joint pain. To work with it, two teaser networks were used at once, which adapted to an audience over 50 years old.
Also, several creatives were used at once, but the following creative could show itself best of all:
In this case, the bay was carried out in order to receive a large number of clicks, where the webmaster paid 3 rubles for one click. As a result, the first 1500 rubles were poured in a test format until the most converting components were identified, after which the full promotion of the advertising campaign began. The cost per click increased to 7p and gradually decreased until the optimal bid for the maximum CTR was established. The total costs here amounted to 41,000 rubles with a net profit of 63,000 rubles.
The second equally good example is related to adult traffic, where a remedy for increasing potency in men was chosen as an offer. This is a very interesting option, because. teasers do not let ads of such offers through without a cloaca, therefore, I had to use a spacer and drive traffic not immediately to the advertiser's website, but to my own landing page. The following images were used as creatives:
The average cost per click was 2.5 rubles, while the webmaster gradually stopped sending traffic to non-converting resources and added it to more effective sites. As a result, advertising costs amounted to 58,000 rubles with a net profit of 72,000 rubles, which is slightly less than a month of work.
With the right approach, teaser networks are a very effective option for flooding traffic. It is very easy to go through moderation with them and we can say that there are no checks at all, it is easy to prepare an advertising campaign and you don’t need to bother much for a good ROI.
Consider all the above tips and without any problems you will achieve not less good results that were presented in the cases from the previous section.