Overview of the developing GEOs for your traffic in 2022
Constantly the situation in the advertising, political, commodity, and many other markets is changing. Some offers become even too popular, some, on the contrary, practically do not generate income. And although this is a normal phenomenon in the case of goods, the change in the relevance of GEO for the traffic arbitrage market is a much more interesting point.
Over the past year, many Tier-3 and Tier-2 GEOs have seen strong economic and social growth. They have become not only relevant for launching an advertising campaign, but also very profitable. Interesting offers, open target audience, good internet, and popular traffic sources. What kind of GEO are we talking about? Let's talk about it below.
Czech Republic
A few years ago, the Czech Republic held the position of the second most economically developed country among the former GEOs of Eastern Europe. Now she has only strengthened her position and begun to confidently move to the Tier-1 category.
General information
It is a small country with about 11 million people. They speak here mainly in Czech, in some places, English can be traced and very rarely Russian.
In economic terms, almost all areas are well developed here. Surprisingly, the service sector is mostly sagging. Various shops, pharmacies, shopping centers and other points of sale close too early and do not operate at all on weekends. This opens up the widest opportunities for online trading for arbitrageurs.
She, in general, thrives beautifully here. Moreover, the local population has enough money to buy any desired goods. On average, even low-skilled employees receive at least $1,500. Engineers, professional doctors, and IT specialists are most highly valued.
Target audience
In addition to money, the audience is interesting in its diversity. For example, the older generation is characterized by a calm way of life. They do not like to spend too much money if only to shift it from one savings account to another. Well, taking into account good pension payments, financial offers have room to roam.
The younger generation, on the contrary, is overly active, loves gambling, and is ready to spend thousands of dollars in casinos. There is something in common between these two parties. All of them are scrupulous about the places where they are going to inject money.
That is, the target audience plays only in licensed casinos, and invests money only in those sites that it can trust. The same applies to the direction of nutrition - the Czechs, without exception, monitor their health and beauty, although they often suffer from obesity.
Thus, when launching in the Czech Republic, you can adapt to almost any vertical and offer. Pay attention to its quality and the availability of licenses - otherwise, you risk losing the envelope.
Traffic sources
The most popular advertising platforms are YouTube and Facebook. About 95% of the target audience sits in the first one, and about 90% of the Czech population sits in the second one. The Internet here is excellent and is not very expensive, and therefore you can even prepare video creatives in high resolution. Everything will load fine.
You can also try to work with TikTok. Gradually, it is also gaining popularity in this GEO and is still adapting to a younger audience. In general, there are enough solvent customers in all three sources. Just keep in mind that their age is mostly 25-50 years old.
As a test option, we recommend trying mailing lists by e-mail. This will mostly work well for spammy offers, but Czechs are still active in email communication. Therefore, even such work will bring you profit.
Recommendations for creatives and landings
First of all, adapt the advertising campaign to the Czech language, and if you have money, then convert it to crowns. If you want to use a famous person for work, then look for local celebrities or politicians. The audience trusts them the most.
In general, in terms of format, we can recommend making landings and creatives in the form of news. Almost all residents of the Czech Republic daily study news reports on the Internet and completely trust them. Enter their information field in this way and get the client's approval from the very beginning.
No fewer converting formats are storytelling and interactive. In the first case, the standard story of a young girl about a successful win in a casino or a new “super” way of earning is enough.
In the second option, we most often play with the audience. We offer profitable prizes for performing simple actions - we ask you to answer one question, we offer you to play win-win roulette without investments. An example of the latter is below:
It seems simple, but so many people are led by it that the gamification of advertising is increasingly becoming part of traffic arbitrage.
Another state in the European part of the continent is gradually becoming a tasty morsel for webmasters. If earlier people here earned $500-600 on average, now these positions have doubled. From now on, it is a GEO with a well-established economy and progressive social development.
General information
For many, life in this country is similar to Russia. Relatively low prices, the average development of tourism, and about the same standard of living among the local population. Serbia is still in a small crisis due to external financial debt and a lack of technical development.
On the other hand, it is clear that the country is gradually improving its economic position and becoming more attractive for advertising. At a minimum, the salary of the local target audience has already risen quite well to 1000-1100 euros per month.
If we talk about the highest salaries, then they are received by the same famous technical caste - programmers and engineers. Lawyers and representatives of the financial industry make good money. By age, the most solvent customers are people from 22 to 45 years old.
Target audience
The Serbs themselves are friendly people, they will always help in difficult times and will not ask for anything in return. They are prudent, and thrifty, and try not to spend an extra penny just like that. It is customary to single out “Serbian nationalism” as a characteristic feature of the local population. It is less and less talked about in the media, but for an advertising campaign, it must be taken into account.
That is, although Serbs speak both English and Russian well, it is better to create creatives and landing pages in Serbian. This way you can please all your customers.
As for the problems of the target audience, there are plenty of them here. Basically, the desire to earn more money affects. Many residents do not have high qualifications in their profession, and therefore they grab every opportunity to get a job somewhere.
This is an excellent field for working with financial offers. Success stories here come through once in a while, but creatives with recommendations from experts are pouring with a bang. You can safely launch a warm-up on social networks, and gain an audience, and along the way give her advice on the stock market. Well, when the time comes, then drive it to the advertised platform.
In terms of gambling or betting, there is nothing special to highlight - everything is standard and you will have to try hard to achieve an envelope in this vertical. In the case of nutrition, offers for diabetes, obesity, and for solving problems with the cardiovascular system are good.
Sources to choose
In total, 80% of the population in Serbia uses the Internet. All of them use social networks every day, often make purchases in online stores, and trust them.
According to sources, it is better to lead the bay either to contextual advertising on Google or on Facebook (Instagram will also work well with it). An experimental and very effective option is WhatsApp.
At the same time, regardless of the chosen platform, try to make standard creatives without animations in 4K. The local Internet may simply not be able to withstand this, and whether such things are needed by the local picky target audience is also a question.
The very fact that Poland has over 39 million inhabitants makes GEO interesting for the Gulf. Previously, it was a typical developing country with average earnings in Central Asia and the same economic growth rates.
Not to say that there has been some strong development over the past few years, but what you can be sure of is the growing earnings of customers. Back in 2021, they averaged 900 euros/month. Now it is already 1300 euros/month, which, together with the growing population, only motivates pouring into Poland.
General information
Throughout its history, GEO has stood out from the rest of the world. It has always been a state with clear foundations and individual traditions. Such Poland is to this day and now it is one of the largest countries in Europe. It borders on Germany, Lithuania, Ukraine, Slovakia, Belarus, and even Russia. Such diversity could not but affect profitable trade relations and rapid economic development.
The laws in the country are not very strict and both Poland itself and the local target audience are loyal to advertising. The only thing is that such a proud nation simply cannot do without the use of the Polish language in creatives.
With it, you can immediately adapt to both the indigenous people and visiting potential customers. Polish is very similar to Russian, Lithuanian, Belarusian, and a little to Ukrainian.
Target audience
Poles are ardent adherents of religion and traditions. Much in their life develops depending on these two components. For example, in Poland there is a very low number of divorces and couples separate only for very good reasons. This is a tribute to traditions and religious principles.
On the other hand, modernity is also not forgotten here. Almost all local residents use the Internet, constantly order something on marketplaces, like to hang out on social networks and chat in chat roulette. This is also facilitated by the age of the audience - mostly people from 15 to 35 years old.
As for salaries, there are definitely no problems with them in Poland. This is a confident Tier-1 GEO, where even low-skilled employees without higher education can receive 1500-2000 euros. What are the problems for the target audience in this case?
Well, at least, even with a large amount in his pocket, the user will want to earn more. A good start-up capital finally unties the hands and allows you to invest even a lot of money in the advertised offer.
Also, the audience suffers from obesity, heart disease, and often diabetes. Not to say that this is a paradise on the inside, but there is where to roam.
Gambling and betting are very popular here. It was not in vain that we mentioned loyalty in terms of legislation - many gambling establishments are open on quite official grounds and cut a good income every day. Sports betting is the most popular in Poland. there are quite a few successful athletes here and their fans simply cannot resist the next bet. You can do them from any age, and therefore, if you wish, even a 15-year-old guy can become your client.
Sources to choose
Let's just say that everything is fine with the Internet here. There are many mobile operators and high-quality Internet connections. You can present your audience with high-quality static images, as well as video creatives or animations at least in 4K resolution.
According to sources for the Gulf, we recommend trying Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, or Messenger. About 75% of the total population of Poland sits on these platforms.
Also, try targeted ads from Google or video ads from YouTube. News resources are no less popular. The Poles trust them and monitor, for example, WP.pl or Interia.pl on a daily basis for the latest news reports.
In today's analysis, we discussed only 3 GEOs that continue to actively develop and gain popularity. Already in a year, their level of the economy has noticeably increased - somewhere wages have increased, somewhere income from industry or the tourism industry has increased.
In other words, these countries are getting better, which means they can bring us a solid income. Be sure to try the GEO data and choose for yourself!