Key terms in affiliate marketing
- A/ B test - marketing research that allows you to understand which advertising converts better. Several types of advertising creatives are created and the most successful is selected from them
- Adult - advertising of goods and services of pornographic content.
- An arbitrage specialist is a person who knows how to work with different traffic sources or has his own sites with constant traffic. He works with affiliate programs and resells his traffic by advertising products or services for a reward. Successful affiliate marketer - sets up ad campaigns using the minimum budget, and at the same time receives the maximum bid and reward for the implementation of any offer.
- Advert, Advertiser. A customer or an advertiser who offers the offer itself and pays the affiliate program for certain actions on the offer (confirmed order, registration, etc.)
- Advertiser - an individual or legal entity that provides offers for affiliate programs for the purpose of implementation with the help of partners (webmasters).
- Approve. Percentage of approved targeted actions on the advertiser's website for which a monetary reward is accrued.
- Affiliate marketing is one of the marketing areas, which consists in promoting a business/ goods/ services with the help of partners who use their advertising budget and receive rewards for installs /registrations /sales /deposits. There is an intermediary in this direction - an affiliate program that provides a list of offers for partners.
Affiliate manager is a manager who communicates with affiliates and covers all their needs on behalf of the affiliate program.
- Affiliate program - a form of cooperation (website) between sellers and partners, where there is a list of goods or services for further implementation. Allows the seller to save the cost of attracting the end customer with the help of partners who promote the product for their advertising budget, receiving a reward. You can pay per click, for sale, for registration on the site. The affiliate program provides partners with links, banners, landing pages and all other necessary advertising paraphernalia.
- Advertising campaign budget - the amount on the personal account of the advertiser who ordered the service. It should be understood that these are not advertising costs, but direct investments to increase sales.
- API is a technology used in traffic arbitration that allows tracking capabilities, filtering traffic and interacting directly between a client and a server.
- Banner blindness is a phenomenon in traffic arbitrage, when users, due to the abundance of advertising on the Internet, stop paying attention to it.
- Banner exchange network - a group of sites that exchange banners with each other. Such networks provide additional important information: the number of impressions, clicks, CTR, etc.
- Bid - the term is used in traffic arbitrage and means the maximum bid specified by the webmaster for one click when placing ads on sites.
- Bidding, bidding system - the actual system in a PPC company, according to which it calculates how much you pay for a particular click.
- Black List - a list of resources (sites for advertising), which will not display ads. Used in push notifications, teaser and contextual networks.
- Bot - a program that performs a number of specific actions. A bot can be both useful (for example, parsing the necessary information), and harmful (for example, programmed to click).
- Bourges - the general name of the foreign market, includes all countries except the CIS.
- Bundle - a description of the algorithm for profitable traffic drain, which contains the most converting ads, landing pages and audiences for the specified offer.
- Bet - payment to the webmaster for a lead in any vertical in the affiliate program.
- CTR is one of the most valuable metrics in traffic arbitrage. Shows how clickable and interesting the ad creative is for users. Demonstrated as a percentage.
- CPC (Cost Per Click) - cost per click. Calculated by dividing the total ad cost by the total number of leads.
- CPL (Cost Per Lead) - cost per lead. Calculated by dividing total costs by the total number of leads.
- CPM (Cost Per Millenium) - cost per 1000 impressions on social networks and search engines. It is calculated by dividing the cost of advertising by the number of contacts and multiplying by 100.
- Captcha - a special form that is used to protect against automatic actions, such as registration, mailing and others using special programs. It is designed to distinguish a person from a robot.
- Case in the context of CPA - an article that demonstrates a cast bundle and shows how to make money on traffic arbitrage from scratch.
- Contextual advertising is a traffic source in which advertisements are entered into a search engine. Ads of this format are seen by users who search for various products on the Internet and similar products based on their requests.
- Click - a suitable advertisement and a transition to the landing page of the offer.
- Cloak - software that allows the user to replace the pages of the site not only during moderation, but also during the rollout (hide the real page from search robots), parse (collect) new IP-addresses with suspicious activity. In contrast to the substitution of a tracker, it allows for a longer time to "hide" the real page from the moderators, thereby avoiding the ban of the account.
- Cloaking - replacing or hiding site pages. Usually done in order to pass moderation with prohibited offers.
- CR, Conversion rate - target action when the affiliater gets paid. To do this, he chooses an offer in an affiliate network and places ads on his or someone else's website or sets up an ad. conversion rate. CR = Number of clicks/ number of visitors x 100
- Creative - an advertisement that is used by webmasters to attract the attention of visitors on a website/ landing page.
- Conversions is a metric that shows how many users have clicked through advertisements.
- Cost per lead - expenses of an affiliate marketer to attract a user for an offer from an affiliate program.
- СPC - cost per click. CPC = Cost of ad placement/ number of clicks.
- Dating is a direction in partnership programs, the basis of which is people who want to get to know and date with people around the world.
- Deeplink is an affiliate program tool that allows you to direct traffic to any page on the advertiser's website. For example, if your ad is dedicated to a specific product on the website of an online store, then using a deep link, you can direct traffic not to the main page, but to the page of this product.
- Domain name - a specific character sequence that denotes the name of the site. A name used to identify areas within the higher hierarchy of such an area. Each of these areas is called a domain.
- Doorway is a search engine spam tool. These are separate sites that are optimized for one or more search queries. The goal of the doorway is to get to high positions in the search results for this query. When hitting the doorway, the user is redirected to a landing page.
- Display - a single fact of presentation to the user of any advertising material. This term is traditionally used when referring to the CPV payment model.
- Domain parking - selection and registration of the site name (domain name) on the DNS server.
- Envelope - an indicator showing how much users like the offer. If 100 people came to the landing page, and there were 20 leads, then the envelope is 20%, which is very good. It is mainly considered for understanding the income from the site and helps to choose the best offers for traffic arbitrage.
- EPC is an indicator that shows the affiliate's earnings per click. It is calculated by dividing the profit by the total number of clicks and multiplying by 100.
- Fraud - a series of actions that an affiliate marketer uses to deceive an affiliate program to receive a payment. As a result, CPA networks see fake requests that cannot be processed.
- Fulfillment - a set of operations from the moment the order is placed by the buyer until the moment he receives the purchase.
- Geo - a location in the world (city, country, continent) that a webmaster chooses by launching traffic to the best arbitrage offers.
- Gambling is a vertical of gambling, casinos. The arbitrager receives a payment in the affiliate program for each person who replenished the account with a certain amount.
- Hold - a certain period of time in which the affiliate program checks all leads, their quality and confirms payments.
- Install - a type of offer where the webmaster receives payment for the installation of the mobile application by the user.
- Landing page - the page that the user came to after clicking on the advertisement. The main goal is to get quality leads for further payments in the affiliate program.
- Lead - an application for any product or service on the site.
- Lead generation is the process of creating leads.
- Leaving money is a slang expression of webmasters that means that this offer does not allow you to earn money in traffic arbitrage. That is, traffic costs exceed revenue.
- Lead to zero - lead generation, in which costs are equal to income.
- Lead generation is a stream of applications from people who have taken a targeted action on the site. For them, webmasters receive payments in the affiliate program.
- Landing page - the page to which the user will go through the advertising link.
- LTV (lifetime value) - the estimated amount of income that the offer will bring you over the entire period of working with it. LTV = average sales value x average sales per month x average customer retention time in months.
- Layout - a one-page landing page in traffic arbitrage on which affiliate program offers are advertised. Its main goal is to whet the user's interest so that he goes to the site where he made a purchase.
- Launch - the launch of a new product and its introduction to the market. In order to quickly recruit the target audience, accompanied by a marketing campaign corresponding to the nature of the product. Goals and objectives - to gain the maximum volume of the target audience, create an expectation of the product, and stimulate sales.
- Metric that shows how many people have been shown an ad by a webmaster.
- Midlet is a Java platform application. Typically, these applications include games for mobile devices and cell phones and will work on even the most basic mobile devices. The MIDlet can send a payment from the client's phone using SMS, for which he must agree with the proposed terms of the application.
- Meetup is an informal meeting of experts to discuss issues and transfer knowledge. It is informal, the participants of the IT-meetup are not forced to sit in suffocating ties and wait for the end of a boring lecture.
- Mobile is the general name for mobile traffic in arbitration.
- Motivated traffic - usually this term means payment for some completed task. For example: completed order, registration, comment.
- Nutra - offers from the “beauty and health” category.
- Owner - the owner of an affiliate network or online service.
- Offer - a name in traffic arbitration for a product or service that can be promoted on the Internet. Each offer has its own geography, seasonality and relevance. Before launching an advertisement, arbitrageurs learn all the features of each offer, including the payout and what it depends on.
- Offerwall is a showcase of several offers for one vertical or several. Allows you to accelerate earnings in traffic arbitrage.
- Offer page - the page with the offer. The landing page to which we will drive traffic after passing the moderation. Occurs when using "spoofing" for moderation in the traffic source, if the advertisement of the offer in the traffic source is prohibited, but we really want to "push it through".
- Pin Submit - a type of offers, in which payment for the service is confirmed by SMS. For example, paid participation in the iPhone raffle, downloading a game, etc.
- Payday loans - a type of offer, serviced by which the issuance of a short-term loan is used. An analogue of our microcredits in the bourgeoisie.
- Popup - a pop-up window with an advertisement. Appears in the foreground. Most often, it opens when you perform a certain action on the site.
- Popunder - an advertisement window that pops up automatically. Opens in the background in a separate browser window.
- Postback is a method of transferring conversion data between the tracker of your site and the affiliate program. The main parameters transmitted by the postback are: SubId, transaction ID, user IP, order amount, date and time of the transaction.
- Pouring into a plus - a situation for webmasters in traffic arbitrage, when advertising costs are lower than the income from the selected offers in the affiliate program.
- Pre-landing is a one-page website with an advertisement for a product/ service, designed to increase conversion and "warm up" the visitor. A person, getting from an advertising banner to a strip, should get motivation to buy. From the strip, the user goes directly to the site, where he can purchase a product or use some kind of service.
- Privat - the best traffic arbitrage offers with exclusive conditions, available only to experienced webmasters and paying for them above the average market value.
- Probes - a type of offers for which free probes are sent to get acquainted with the product. In the future, monetization occurs due to repeated orders of this product, already for money.
- Profit - the profit of an affiliate marketer, which is the difference between his advertising costs and profit for leads.
- Product - a vertical in traffic arbitrage, which includes physical offers in affiliate programs: bicycles, clothes, watches, household goods, weight loss products, etc.
- Post back, pingback, 2s2 pixel - a mechanism for transferring data from an affiliate program (or from an advert) to a tracking solution.
- Post click is a set of certain practices aimed at improving sales by analyzing user actions related to online advertising in general and PPC and lead generation advertising in particular. Sufficiently capacious term and therefore rather vague. May include any analysis that will detail data from Google Analytics or your tracker. Comparison of IP with a specific company or person, comparison of user behavior on different sites. Or, for example, buying several marketing bases and merging them to obtain new information. Data collection and analysis to a greater extent than directly lead generation.
- PPC (pay per click) is an advertising model in which the advertiser pays the publisher for clicks.
- PPL (pay per lead) - advertising model with payment for a lead. Almost the same as CPL, only from the point of view of the advertiser.
- RPU, ARPU (Average Revenue Per User) - an indicator of the average revenue per client. An indicator of how much money each customer brings to you, whom you attracted to the selling site. It is the ratio of the total revenue to the number of clients attracted.
- PPV (pay per view) - advertising model with payment for impressions.
PSP (payment solution provider). Payment order. An electronic payment provider or payment gateway - its a specialized technology company with a proprietary hardware and software system that allows routing payments.
- Rebill is an automatic payment from the user to renew access to the service. For example, you have activated the service for 1 day for 100 rubles, after 24 hours another 100 rubles will be automatically debited from the account and the service will be extended for another 1 day, and so on, until the user unsubscribes from the service.
- RevShare, Revenue Share - a model of payment for a lead, when only % of the deposit is paid for the traffic attracted to the advertiser's website. For example, a lead attracted by a webmaster to an online casino website made 10 deposits for a total of $2000 in 2 years of using the account. The webmaster will receive % of each deposit as long as he cooperates with the CPA network through which he pours. Another example is online shopping. A visitor bought a total of 12,000 rubles per order (10 items) by clicking on the publisher's advertisement. In this case, the webmaster will receive % of the entire check, and not from 1 product, which receives traffic.
- Referral - a new user in traffic arbitrage who registered using another person's link. The person who brought such a user receives a certain percentage of his expenses.
- Rotator - a script that allows you to show several banners in one ad unit at once.
- ROI - (Return on Investment) - this is a payback ratio or a return on all investments = [(income - investment )/investment] × 100%.
- Squeezed offer - an expression of webmasters, meaning that this product in the affiliate program no longer generates profit and it is not profitable to advertise it.
- Stream - a customized advertising channel of the webmaster in the affiliate program for an offer. In other words, a stream is an affiliate link to which a webmaster pours traffic.
- Sweepstakes are a vertical in traffic arbitrage, which is a drawing of a product, where the user needs to leave his data.
- Semantic core - a complete list of words, word forms and synonyms included in search queries relevant to our CPA offer.
- SubID - subaccount in the partner system, allows you to set a label for tracking statistics, usually has the form http ://[ partner URL ]/[ referee ]/SUBID. Very convenient for testing different advertising methods. For example, we have a dozen different announcements for which we merge traffic from one source (for example, a VC group) - mark each of the 10 announcements with a separate SubID and track the indicators for each of them (CTR, envelope, ROI), collect enough statistics and draw conclusions about the results of testing and launch the most effective announcements.
- Subaccount - check “SubID”.
- Stat - statistics.
- Shave - a situation associated with affiliate programs, when a webmaster is denied payment for high-quality traffic, arguing that the quality of traffic was poor.
- Shared hosting is a type of hosting in which many websites are located on one server.
- Showcase - a type of offer, which is a showcase with several products. Unlike regular offers, storefronts provide a wider selection of products, arranged according to a specific theme (for example, gifts for men on February 23rd, facial products, the best action games, etc.)
- Targeting - launching and setting up ads to start making money on traffic arbitrage on social networks. A properly configured campaign allows you to optimize costs and get more profit.
- Targeted audience - this is the target audience distributed by interest, gender or age.
- Teaser - an advertising banner created by a webmaster to attract attention when launched on teaser networks.
- Traffic - by analogy with traffic, this is the flow of visitors to a resource, or following your link.
- Trafficback - traffic redirection.
- Tracker is a service that monitors the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.
- Trash - incorrect leads.
- Transit is a one-page landing page in traffic arbitrage on which offers of affiliate programs are advertised. Its main goal is to whet the user's interest so that he goes to the site where he made a purchase.
- The conference is the epicenter of useful information, experience, connections and entertainment.
- Traffic arbitrage is a mechanism for buying traffic in one place and redirecting it to another in order to sell goods and services. The main person is an affiliate marketer: a person who advertises the selected offer and receives a reward for certain actions: selling goods, registering on the site, making a deposit. This is usually a fixed amount, but there are several other payment methods available. The main goal is to spend less money on advertising than to make a profit.
- Traffic source - a channel for attracting traffic to the advertiser's websites. These can be blogs, question-and-answer sites, social networks, targeted and contextual advertising, one-page pages, forums, blogs and many other sources.
- Traffic exchange - a system for buying and selling traffic.
- Trash is an indicator in contextual advertising and SEO, showing the ratio of inappropriate hits to the total number of search queries.
- TDS - traffic distribution system. In addition to distributing traffic, TDS also collects detailed statistics. One of the most important tools for an affiliate marketer.
- Viral marketing - methods of distributing advertising through the formation of content that can attract new users through an unusual idea or using a natural or trusting message.
- Vertical - directions in traffic arbitrage that a webmaster chooses in partner CPA networks for further work with offers. For example: dating, gambling, product, nutrition, forex, crypt.
- VPN (Virtual Private Network) - the type of internet connection that is provided over another internet network. Thus, the user can hide his personal IP address, transmit encrypted data and visit resources, even if they are closed for visiting in his actual GEO.
- White list - a list of resources (sites for advertising) that are suitable for placing a specific advertisement. Used in push notifications, teaser and contextual networks.
- Wapclick is a technology for paying for content on a site without entering a number and a confirmation code. One of the ways to monetize mobile traffic, in which the subscriber agrees with the cost and terms of the subscription by clicking the "OK" or "Download" button.
- Webmaster - a company or individual that advertises goods/ services of an advertiser on the Internet.
- WebMoney is an international non-bank electronic payment system.
- Wap-click technology allows you to subscribe to mobile content. It is implemented on the site in such a way that to view the content, you must click the OK button, which activates the subscription. The process of choosing and downloading content is simple, convenient and takes less time, does not require sending an SMS, in addition, this method provides a high envelope and a daily subscription fee from customers. WAP subscription must be supported by the mobile operator.
- W-8BEN is a tax form that must be completed by anyone who is not a US resident who receives money from a US company.