Using images for creatives
We continue our #AivixStudy teaching section with a new tutorial post!
Today we will talk about using images in your creatives.
The success of your creatives will depend on variety of factors that should be known before launching.
We've prepared a few tips to help your “creo” look relevant and suitable for potential leads.
1. Creatives for GEO must match with the celebrities who are relevant for them
Since the celebrity approach is considered as one of the most profitable, you should be careful with choosing a character for your creo.
Take into consideration that each GEO has its own celebrity. If we are going to sell in Malaysia, then it is not worth talking about the success of the Polish soccer player. It’s not relevant in this country, but the picture changes if you choose a local popular person at a particular GEO and has authority among the population.
2. Do not upload “heavy” pictures on the pre-land, so that the page does not load for more than 5 seconds
Try to reason like your future lead. Think about who wants to wait for an unknown page to load? You only have a few seconds to hold a potential lead’s attention. Don't make your creative really heavy, it should be lightweight and help you to load instantly.
3. Use only up the date celebrity photos
Don't forget that celebrities love to change their style. The more recent the photo is used in your creative, the more likely it is to be successful. People care for more fresh and relevant thins, that’s why you should always use only the latest photos.
4. Try to think outside the box
Images shouldn't always be positive and joyful, try to grab the lead's attention by an upset photo of a celebrity. This can go great with a money failure story. For example, famous singer was close to bankrupt, but at the last moment he made a fortune.
As a conclusion, try to use only fresh photos and relevant stories. Do not forget to check the relevance of the image for a specific GEO. Try different access and use you creativity.